Zeiss Vario-Tessar T* FE 4/24-70 ZA

The photographs of this gallery have been taken at the Turin National Automobile Museum “Avv. Giovanni Agnelli”.

The opening image is worth more than a thousand reviews. In this case f16 and 100ISO; as for all the other photographs shown in this review it is a long exposure taken with a tripod.

The Sony/Zeiss 24-70 f4, it really has to be said, is a bomb.

As always around the web we hear all sorts of things, unfortunately there are every day less people writing with awareness of the facts.

This has been quite a particular test ’cause it doesn’t happen every day to have such an opportunity to take similar shots, but probably the context was perfect to show the real character of this zoom. The lens can’t hide his origins: it’s a Zeiss in all and for all and the quality it offers is really high.

***Below the enlarged details show impressive resolution, realism and three-dimensionality. The chosen apertures range from f11 to f16 (“VIVID” Creative Style). Metal’s surface appears every time rich of detail and the color shades give to the image a unique dynamic***

***In the last gallery I wanted to make you see what this 24-70 is capable of. This time I’ve realized some sequences each of which is made of 9 shots (obtained by bracketing) to join them together later via software. No further alteration has been employed to the photograph I’ve obtained. The purpose was to achieve the highest levels of incisiveness and pure realism; once again details speak for themselves***

The overall rendition of this Zeiss Vario Tessar is globally excellent, and probably superior to the Sony 70-200 f4 G. The focal range goes from a good wide angle to a (short) telephoto and reveals itself usefull for the most various situations, from reportage to classic wedding, from studio photography to landscaping.

The maximum aperture is more than enough for an all-purpose lens like this. As for almost all the other lenses stopping down to f5/f5.6 (so 2/3 to 1 stop) is sufficient to get outstanding results, and in any case performances remain at great levels even wide open (for this kind of test I’ll publish a dedicated article in my NEWS section).

Autofocus works very well, as much as the stabilizer. Personally I’m not comfortable with focus by wire system but I’ve got to say that until now I’ve never had the need to focus manually so the problem is widely negligible.

Ergonomically talking the 24-70 Zeiss borders on perfection. Using it with the Sony A7RmkII and its battery grip never comes to be tiring or problematic; it handles easily wih just two fingers and it’s that light that it seems to be using a fixed lens.

Actually for its focal range, image quality and reasonable price it’s got no competitors.