Author Archives: 6614945


un giro al museo (terza parte)

Una serie di scatti HDR ottenuti da 3 esposizioni con GFX-50R e Fujinon GF 45-100mm f/4. (Le immagini sono state riprese su cavalletto presso il Museo Nazionale dell’automobile di Torino “Avv. Giovanni Agnelli”)

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Fujifilm GFX-50R

When Fujifilm annunced the GFX-50R already two years ago, I understood that something big was gonna happen. For the japanese company it was probably the only chance to survive in the high end photography market, […]

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urban landscapes -Hong Kong

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walking around Jodipan, the village of color

Right in the heart of Malang, a city of eastern Giava, is situated what in indonesian is known as Kampung Warna-Warni. Even if at a first superficial look it may seem a “commercial” tourist attraction, […]

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urban landscapes -Singapore e Kuala Lumpur

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landscaping in Indonesia, Sulawesi

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landscaping in Indonesia, Bali

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landscaping in Indonesia, Giava

Anche se con un pò di ritardo, ci tenevo ad aggiornare gli articoli con qualche foto ricordo del mio primo viaggio in Indonesia, partendo dall’isola di Giava. Anche se sono passati solo due anni dall’agosto […]

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Urban landscapes -London (part 2)


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Urban landscapes -London (part 1)

Urban landscapes photographs from the second and last stage of my latest reportage in the UK. No kind of editing. London’s reportage shots are published in the dedicated gallery. (Sony A7RmkII with Sony Zeiss 24-70 […]

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